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Short Film | Crossroads

This is a short film I created with a group called 'Crossroads'

This was created for a 2022 group uni project where we had to make a short film that incorporates a CG creature into live-action footage. We aimed to tell the story of how a girl is stuggling with internal conflict which manifests into a physical creature. Our initial concept was a two headed dog - one head would represent the past while the other represents the future. The dog itself is be a reflection of the protagonist's internal conflict which is deciding whether or not to cut her ties with her boyfriend (the past) or study overseas (the future).

We utilised software such as Maya, Substance Painter, Nuke, Houdini and Davinci Resolve to create our short film.

Breakdown Video:

Here is my workbook which shows in detail what I did for this project:

© 2023 by Anya Hill.

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